Free-roaming droids have been added to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in Disneyland and Hollywood Studios as R2-D2 is roaming about the land! Here is everything you need to know about this new addition and droids in Star Wars Land.

(UPDATE 1/19/20): R2-D2 is now roaming around Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in Disney’s Hollywood Studios and not just Disneyland.
Right from the very beginning of the idea of Star Wars Land, Disney had planned on including droids that would be able to interact with the guests. We were promised droids that could roam around Galaxy’s Edge on their own and we were immediately hooked.
This, however, wasn’t the case at the opening and they were cut from the plans. Reasons varied from budget cuts, to Disney not yet being sure of the technology, and overall guest safety. After all, you don’t want a 300-pound droid running over your toe, and Disney doesn’t want guests pushing one over either.
No matter how you look at it though it was a disappointment not to have real droids in Galaxy’s Edge since they are such a huge part of the Star Wars universe.
Even only weeks ago, it was believed that we might never get a chance to see the famous roaming droids and many were complaining about the lack of entertainment choices in the land.
Then however Disney started testing them in the streets of Batuu in Disneyland, and Hollywood Studios.

Apparently Disney has figured out any hesitations they had as they made it official by announcing R2-D2 is going to be roaming around Galaxy’s Edge on a regular basis and not just as a test.
You may have seen the R2-D2 astromech droid in Galaxy’s Edge before. That’s because it’s the same full-sized R2 unit that is already located in the Droid Depot. You know, that one with the $25,000 price tag on it. You may have even seen him outside the Droid Depot occasionally, but now he’s actually roaming around the streets throughout Galaxys’ Edge.
What Does It Do?
What does he do? He’s super funny and will go up to guests and talk with them (in droid language of course), tease them, and he’s even been known to sometimes flirt with guests too.
We really love this new interaction and think it’s a great addition to Galaxy’s Edge, definitely making it feel more “Star Wars.”

Now the only caveat is that these droids don’t actually roam Galaxy’s Edge alone. R2-D2 has a handler, just like any Disney character you’ll find in the park. They help to guide the interactions with him, and of course, make sure the droids aren’t mishandled in any way.
There is also a hidden cast member nearby at all times with the controls for the droid and is actually the person controlling it. So we aren’t yet at 100% autonomous status yet, but at least getting some droids, for now, is a win.
In the original press release, Disney only mentioned Disneyland, but since then R2-D2 has been spotted throughout Galaxy’s Edge in Hollywood Studios too. He also has made his way down to the Launch Bay, interacting with guests there.
How do I Meet a Droid in Galaxy’s Edge?
Right now there is no schedule for droids in Galaxy’s Edge, so it’s kind of hit or miss. If you want to meet R2-D2, I suggest you walk around Galaxy’s Edge a while and if you are lucky he will be out roaming around. You could also ask a cast member if they know the next time he will be out.
It seems like this will be a regular offering in both Disneyland and Disney’s Hollywood Studios, and we’ll keep an eye on it if something changes.

Droids aren’t the only Star Wars characters you can find in Galaxy’s Edge. Chewbacca, Rey, Kylo Ren, Resistance Spy Vi Morani and Stormtroopers are all characters you will regularly see in the new land, so be sure to be on the lookout for them too.
Also if you want to take a droid home with you, you can build your own custom droid in Galaxy’s Edge at the Droid Depot shop. Here you can choose from dozens of different parts and then get to build and take home your very own one.
Read our full guide to the Droid Depot here where we explain how the whole process works, how to build a droid and if it’s worth the $99 price tag it comes with.
Again, we are very encouraged by this news and happy that Disney does listen to the fan requests. While many have complained about the budget cuts so far, this shows that Disney recognizes more entertainment and interaction are needed in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and is willing to meet that demand. Just because we didn’t see something at opening doesn’t mean we won’t ever see it, as proved here.
We’ll continue to give you the latest updates on the roaming droids in Galaxys’ Edge so stay tuned here at Ziggy Knows Disney for the latest!
Your Thoughts
I want to know what you think about the free-roaming droids now in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge…
- Are you excited about the addition?
- What droids would you like to see in Galaxy’s Edge?
Let us know in the comments section below!
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My name is Ziggy and I love Disney, everything Disney! I grew up on Disney and it has and continues to be a huge part of my life. I started young when my parents took me to Disney World when I was 18 months old. Little did they know that would be the first of an uncountable number of trips we would take. I have so many amazing memories going to Disney with my family and friends and it has been interwoven into my DNA.
Tuesday 21st of January 2020
I like the idea of the free roaming droids! They weren't out at Christmas time at Hollywood Studios. We did build two droids however. Granddaughter loves them, and so I ! We did get a couple of chips as well.
George Mells
Wednesday 15th of January 2020
I built one of the R2 series droids when I was at Disneyland in September. Doesn't run on carpet like a BB one might but has more actions. I wish there was a way to get accessories like a personality chip or replacement parts like a new dome other than going to Galaxy's Edge or paying a premium on Ebay. Anyone know of such a way?
George Mells
Wednesday 15th of January 2020
I forgot to add to my previous post: If you take your Droid over to the First Order store you can have it taken to the Stroller Rental site located outside the park for pickup later so you don't have to schlep it around. There was no charge in September.
Friday 10th of January 2020
So Excited! Going mid March and seeing R2 will make my trip.
Tuesday 14th of January 2020
wow that's awesome, I'm sure you will have a great time!! :)
Thursday 9th of January 2020
Awesome. Going to Hollywood Studio's in March with my son. Can't wait to see them roaming around. Maybe I'll bring one home!!! Of course the $99 one probably. :) Sounds like Disney made a real good move. Thanks Ziggy for the update.
Tuesday 14th of January 2020
Thanks for the comment Marion! Have a nice time and send a picture of the droid! ;)
Ezra Robinson
Thursday 9th of January 2020
Thanks Ziggy. You really DO know Disney!
Tuesday 14th of January 2020
Thanks for the comment Ezra! I hope this helped! :)