Sleepy Hollow is one of the best quick service options in the Magic Kingdom, and recently while in the Magic Kingdom, we headed over to Sleepy Hollow Refreshments to see what the latest offerings were.
Sleepy Hollow is full of a ton of great snack offerings like funnel cakes and ice cream sandwiches. Both of them are delicious and I highly recommend them! But we came this time for one reason and one reason alone and that is their famous waffles! They are incredibly good and can’t be missed! The only disappointment was the lack of savory options, because in the past there were not only sweet options but waffle sandwiches with prosciutto and cheese or sweet and spicy chicken.
So the choice was sweet. Right now you can get the waffle with powdered sugar, waffle with cinnamon, waffle with strawberries and whipped cream, or our eventual pick: Nutella waffle sandwich with fresh fruit. Just say Nutella and I’m already sold!
Nutella is a hazelnut spread a little like peanut butter that is super popular in Europe and has also caught on quite well here in the states as well. Living a few years in Italy you can’t go anywhere without seeing Nutella infused desserts and it’s quite easy to become addicted!! Then when you throw some fresh fruit on there as well I don’t know how anyone could resist!
Look at how amazing this thing is!!
The first thing you notice is that this thing is big…VERY BIG! I mean it’s a snack option, but you could easily split it with someone else. It makes a great mid afternoon snack after lunch, especially if you have a later dinner cause this thing could really hold you over!
The waffle itself was good, soft and not too crunchy. It was great because at first we had to decide how to eat it, and the flexibility of the waffle enabled me to be able to fold it over like a sandwich. I found out that the was the best way to eat it.
One thing I hate when I get any kind of waffle with fruit or chocolate or something is when they don’t put enough on it and it turns out to be dry, this was not the case as they used a generous portion of nutella on the waffle. It also was the real thing as there are a lot of Nutella imitators out there.
They also used TONS of fruit on here. I mean the fruit was overflowing almost and it was really a lot! Usually they use strawberries, blueberries and banana on the waffle, but I’m not a huge banana fan so we asked for it mostly without (one slice ended up on there 🙂 But the ones we saw that had banana on it were even more piled high with fruit! The fruit was fresh too, not frozen which makes a big difference.
Everything worked really well together, the Nutella melted all over the waffle, then with the sweet and tangy flavor of the berries, everything mixed really well together and the flavors and textures complimented each other.
It was AMAZIN!! It’s become one of my favorite snacks now any where in Disney and I can’t wait to go back! I would highly recommend it anyone, just make sure to bring some friends with you to help! 😉
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Your Thoughts:
I want to know what you think of the Nutella Waffle Sandwich with fresh fruit. Have you ever had it before? What do think of it? Let us know in the comments section below! 🙂

My name is Ziggy and I love Disney, everything Disney! I grew up on Disney and it has and continues to be a huge part of my life. I started young when my parents took me to Disney World when I was 18 months old. Little did they know that would be the first of an uncountable number of trips we would take. I have so many amazing memories going to Disney with my family and friends and it has been interwoven into my DNA.