Park Hopping at Walt Disney in 2025 | New Rules & FAQs

Disney announced that park hopping is now back with even fewer rules bringing us back to the pre-pandemic park hopping we all know and love!

In this story, we’ll share our guide to park hopping in Disney World and how you can now visit more than one park per day.

Magic KingdomEPCOTHollywood StudiosAnimal Kingdom

Which Theme Parks Can I Hop to?

There is not a restriction on the number of parks you can visit per day. In fact, it’s possible for guests to go to all 4 parks in one day.

How Many Parks Can I Hop to in One Day?

Not all tickets let guests go to multiple theme parks in the same day. If that is something you want to do, make sure you purchase a ticket with the park hopper option.

Before You Go

Park Hopping for guests these days works essentially the same as it did prior to 2020. Simply put, as long as you have park hopping on your tickets, you are free to come and go to any park you’d like.

How Does the Park Hopping Work?

Park hopping at Walt Disney World is now possible but entirely based on the desired park’s capacity that day. Capacity limits on each park are still in place and you have to first check if there is space.

Park Hopping Capacity Restrictions

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