Upcoming Scenes for the Star Tours Attraction in 2024

Walt Disney Imagineering announced during the Star Wars Celebration 2023 event that new stories and new characters are coming to 3 of the Star Tours attractions around the world in 2024.

Disney can’t reveal the locations or characters yet, but they did say that they will be part of the upcoming Star Wars content.

This leads to a lot of speculation on what the new additions could include.

Since there won’t be any feature films in 2024 that we know about, my guess is that the new locations and characters will be from these 3 Disney+ series instead.

It’s also quite possible we could see something or someone from The Mandalorian show up in Star Tours. Disney should seize the opportunity with this highly successful Star Wars franchise.

At this time, there is also no date announced when these additions to Star Tours are going to be made.

My best guess would be that you see the new changes in time for May 4, 2024, since that is a huge Star Wars day.

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