Scooter Rentals & ECVs at Disney World

Walt Disney World is one of the most amazing places to visit, but with all the walking that is required, it can be a nightmare for guests with mobility issues.

If that is your case, the best way to make your trip successful or even possible could be to rent a scooter.

In this story, we are going to explain everything you need to know about renting a scooter at Walt Disney World and how to use it once you are there.

An Electric Conveyance Vehicle (ECV) is more aptly and popularly referred to as a scooter or an electric scooter.

What is an ECV (Scooter)?

Some attractions will enable you to bring your scooter directly onto the attraction and some will require that you leave your scooter parked either outside the queue.

How Do Scooters Work at Disney?

To rent a scooter at the Disney World theme parks, it’ll cost you $50 a day plus a $20 refundable deposit.

How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Scooter at Disney?

If you want to rent a scooter at the water parks or Disney Springs, the refundable deposit rises up to $100, even though the overall $50 per day cost still holds true.

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